Adding Custom Fonts to a Tailwind-Based Nuxt 3 Instance

Articles Adding Custom Fonts to a Tailwind-Based Nuxt 3 Instance

Adding Custom Fonts to a Tailwind-Based Nuxt 3 Instance

Adding web fonts or regular fonts to a static website is relatively straightforward. However, when integrating a custom font into a Tailwind CSS-based Nuxt 3 instance, there are a few more steps involved before you can see the font in action. Here’s a detailed guide to help you through the process:

Step 1: Select Your Google Font

First, you need to select the Google Font you want to use:

  1. Go to Google Fonts.
  2. Browse and choose the font you want.
  3. Copy the provided <link> tag or the @import URL.

Step 2: Add the Font to Your Main CSS File

Next, you need to add the selected font to your main CSS file:

  1. Open your assets/css/main.css file.
  2. Add the @import URL at the top of the file, replacing your-google-font-link with the actual URL you copied:
    @import url('your-google-font-link');

Step 3: Extend Tailwind Configuration

Finally, you need to extend the Tailwind configuration to include your new font:

  1. Open the tailwind.config.js file.
  2. Extend the fontFamily property to include your custom font. You can create a custom class to support your font:
    // tailwind.config.js
    module.exports = {
      theme: {
        extend: {
          fontFamily: {
            custom: ['YourFontName', 'sans-serif'],
      plugins: [],

Step 4: Use the Custom Font in Your HTML

Now you can use the custom font in your HTML:

  <div class="font-custom">
    Your text here

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